
into the bargain



into the bargain为短语/超纲词汇

近义词, 同义词

1. A truly dedicated bargain hunter must have patience, and above all, the ability to recognize the worth of something when he sees it.

2. Our first stop (after parking our cars near the railroad tracks) was in the bargain store of a local charity, where we politely asked access to a bathroom and were refused.
    我们 (把汽车停在火车轨道附近以后)的第一个停留地点是一家本地慈善团体经营的廉价商店,在店里我们彬彬有礼地请求使用洗手间,但却被一口回绝。

3. I felt especially pleased with my wonderful bargain ---- until I got back to the ship.
